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Long ago,there lived a king,named Midas.He had a lovely daughter, Marigold by name.To Midas nothing was dearer than his little Marigold.For this Marigold could seldom go out of his sight.Very often he looked and looked into the large deep,blue eyes of his daughter.

There was another thing,which the king loved very much and that was gold.He was then the richest man on earth.He had piled up gold in heaps in his underground treasure.But still he always thought if he could turn everything into gold like a magician!

One day while he was going round the heaps of gold and feasting his his eyes on them,all on a sudden,a young man appeared there.
Well,Midas,said the young man,I am the god of wealth.Messems,you are quite satisfied with your vast stores of gold.

vast youcall vast!Oh,if i possessed the Golden Touch and turn everything into gold!
''Will you be satisfied then''asked the god.
''Certainly,I shall have nothing more to desire for,''Midas answered

 The Heavenly being was surprised.He said,all right.Be it as your will.Next morning you will have the  Golden Touch.And so saying he disappeared.Midas locked up his treasure and went into the garden where Marigold was playing.She seemed to him to be the loveliest flower in the garden.Marigold saw her father and ran upto him with some roses in her little hands.She presented the flowers to her father,who kissed on her forehead and passed his hand round her head.

That night Midas could not sleep at all.For the whole night he thought and thought of the Golden Touch.
The following morning,king Midas realy had the Golden touch.When the first sunbeam crept into his room,he wondered at the sudden change of his bed into a golden one.The chair he sat in,the stairs he ran down all were changed into gold.With joy and pleasure,he ran into the garden.He went on touching the flowers from tree to tree and bower to bower,changing them to flowers of gold.He said to himself,All the ordinary flowers bloom and perish,but the golden  fade flowers would never fade away.What a unique blessing is the Golden Touch!He took great delight in turning the flowers into gold.He then put his eyes on innocent face of marigold with a smile.But she did not look happy.She was extremely sorry to see her dear flowers all without life and smell.

Midas became very hungry soon.He went to the dining hall and took his seat beside the break-fast table.Various kinds of food were placed there.Midas took a spoon in his hand and it turned into gold.Marigold wondered and Midas rejoiced at this.

But as soon as he took a piece of bread and it turned into gold,she also wondered.Then he tried to eat an apple.But no sooner had he touched the same than it changed into a hard shining apple of gold.At last he took a cup of a hot milk.But the moment his lips touched into a cup of hot and liquid gold,which burnt his lips and mouth.
Midas became frightened and marigold was very sorry at this.She put her arms round his neck out of sympathy,but all at once,she turned into a statue of gold.She could neither speak nor move.

At this the king was overwhelmed with grief.He cried out,Take away,O the cruel god,take away tour gift and give my daughter back to me!
Hearing the cries the god of wealth appeared before the king once again and said a smile,I have come to help you,Midas.Now if you wish you that the Golden Touch be gone,I shall ask you to go to the river nearby and take a dip into it.Carry a pitcher with you to the river and fill it with water.Then sprinkle this water on the statue and garden,and they all will come to life again.Saying this the god of wealth vanished.The king did everything accordingly.As soon as he sprinkled the water from the pitcher,Marigold smiled sweetly with the fragrant flowers of the garden

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