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Penicillin is a life-saving medicine.
It was discovered by Dr.Alexandar Fleming.Fleming was born on in a poor family of Scotland.He was the seventh of eight brothers and sisters.He passed his boyhood with his parents.

Fleming was a very regular and attentive student.The school was four miles away.He went to school and come back home on foot. Upto  the age of twelve years.He was never absence form school.At the age of fourteen,he was sent to London.Here he studied for two years in a secondary school.Then he took to the job of a page in an office for want of money.When he was twenty,he got a share of his father's property.This brought about a great change in his life.He got himself admitted to St.Mary Medical School and studied here for five years with Honours in Physiology,Pharmacology,Medicine,
Pathology,Forensic Medicine and Hygienic.He was awarded a gold medal for clinical Medicine in 1906 and another gold medal in 1908,when he got the M.B.B.S. degree of London University.At the age of twenty eight,he became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1909.Thus,By dint of his genius and self-confidence he became well established in life.

The World War I began in 1914.Dr. Fleming heard the call of the wounded people and could but respond to it.He joined the Royal Army Medical Crops ans went to France.Here he began the treatment of the wounded soldiers.The wounds often got septic and life was in danger.So,his only thought was to find out an antidote to it.He went on with his research work not only for a year or two.He went on with the went for long twenty-two years and  at last,he came by it.it killed the micro-organism,that decomposed the wounds but it was not harmful to human body.He named it Penicillin.

Dr.Fleming was given the title Knight (sir) in 1944 for his humanitarian services.He was awarded the Noble Prize in 1945 for his discovery of Penicillin.

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