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Long,long,once the Greek heroes wanted to conquer Troy.But the Trojans also a heroic people and hence it was not so easy a task.So,after a great preparation,the Greeks sailed to Troy and attacked the city.The Trojans took shelter within the city walls and repulsed the attack quite successfully.

The Greeks laid siege to the city for long ten years,fought with the Trojans but could not make way in.So at last they hit upon a clever plan.They began building a wooden horse.The work went on day and night for months together.The huge structure rose up and up and it was seen over the Greek tents.The Trojans stood over the city-walls and over the roof of their houses and looked at it with great amazement.

One morning the Greek soldiers dragged the wooden horse away from their tents.The to the surprise of the  Trojans,they set fire to their camp and sailed away.The Trojans watched the Greek ships,as far as they could and their joy knew no bounds,when they were out of sight.With a sing of relief,they now came of the city-walls after long ten years.

The Trojans had so long seen the wooden structure from a distance.Now the Greeks were gone and they began to gather round it.But they dared not go quite close to it.They took it for a dangerous thing.They said that it must be a cunning device of the enemies.A few of them,however,become very curious and went ti it.They examined it as closely as they could and found nothing of a device in it.So they gave out that it was simply a big toy.There was nothing to doubt about it.

All other Trojans now got back their courage.They drew near the horse,one after another and step by step.They also examined it carefully for a long time.At length,they all were sure that it was nothing but a wooden structure.So,they decided to take it within the city-walls and finally they did so.

The enemies were gone and there was no more fear.It was,of course,a happy day for the Trojans.So there was a great rejoicing all over the city.All the Trojans,male and female,young and old,came out of their house with a smile.They expressed their joy in various ways and passed the day in merriment.

The cares and anxieties of long ten years were over.So at nightfall,the Trojans retired to bed in peace and very soon,they fell fast asleep.

The night was deep and dark.There was a dead silence all over the city.At that time a big hole opened slowly and slowly,in the belly of the wooded horse and a shadow dropped down from it.It was Ulysses,the Greek hero.Seven other shadows followed him.Quite stealthily they went to the gate and opened it.

The Greek soldiers had sailed away in the morning but returned in the darkness of night.They were waiting outside the city-walls and now they began to pour in.They took the fort the enemies by surprise and attacked the city.They set fire to every house and began to kill the Trojans.And in no time,the silence of the night was broken by the roar of fire and the death-cries of the Trojans.In a few hours,the mighty city was reduced to ashes.
Thus,by a clever plan the city of troy was conquered.

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